Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Live Life Love Life

I cant help but cringe at the thought of goin back to college tomorrow.
I want for just one week to get away from it all, college, work and my parents.
As much as I love my folks they now exactly what buttons to push, the turn up my blood pressure.

Either way, today when my hormones were not having their wicked way with my being I decided whatever the weather, I am just going to have to face every blow life gives me and smile despite my bruises and painful as they maybe.

Its all pretty simple, live life, love life.
No matter the circumstance.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Never Help Society

What is wrong with society today. With a broken down infrastructure caused by political instability of the dual parliament there will be nothing but grief and headache.
The migraine I left the hospital with today was absolutely immense.
About a month ago I visited my GP, on arrival I found they were turning away patients like it was a tennis court. I was advised by somebody else to visit the walk in centre in the same building run by a different surgery. I was seen there and I believed I had the cure in my hands. After using the recommended product for about a month the problem worsened! I took a trip to a+e n to my disappointment after a 3 hr wait was reffered back to my GP. Complete piss take I'm now goin to a private service that will give me what I am paying for.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Internal Tears

... I have never hurt so much inwardly as today ...

And for once not for a selfish reason, today was the burial of my late friend.
His life was cut short, by an ungrateful so and so.
But hey, there is a reason for everything, and his calling was now.
It was a beautiful event, being a funeral virgin I didnt know what to expect.
Tears fell from my eyes despite how hard I tried to force them backwards.
A mass of people old and young arrived and the church was packed.
The priest of the church was talking about him as though he knew my friend, but in actual fact all he said was opposite.
He wouldnt have liked the hymns, or the long sermon.
He would have LOVED the presence of all who turned up.

I was rather happy that the sun came up over his grave whilst they let the doves loose.
It was beautiful and let my heart be at ease.

I was angry for a long time after his death, but today I let all that anger diminish.
I dont want to talk about it anymore.

I just want to cherish the memories

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Breaking Down

NOTHING is going right!
Despite how hard I try.