Saturday, 26 February 2011

Pear shaped

As a female it is the duty of my hormones to do as they like with my body.
But with added intervention of more hormones, the edible sort,
I tend to lose it.
Apart from being ridiculuously unwell right now, in my opinion I should be hospitalised till I'm better,
I have had the honour of being an emotional wreck.
It has however worked out for the best and in my favour,
This is because I worked everyday for the past 3 days doing long day-night shifts.
This meant that by the time I got home I was knackered and had the strength to do nothing but sleep.
But in those 3 days because of my sickness I woke up at 6am with nothing to do and in pain.

I am so lucky that I held on to some super strong pain killers,
Because this morning instead of trying to rock myself back to sleep,
I threw those bad boys down my throat.
Now it took a long time for them to kick in because I hadn't eaten.
But I felt the deterioration, it was a long process.
First I started feeling woozy, then my arms felt heavy, then my back relaxed, then my eyes shut, shortly after
The pain I had been feeling was no longer present, tis a pity it didn't go first.

The moral of all this,
There is a way out of everything!

Feeling moody, go to sleep.

Made a mistake, rectify it.

In pain, get some meds.

In serious pain, see a dr.

Oh n btw who else hates antibiotics, my gosh they take long to work.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011


I was not hungry,
Yet I forced myself to eat,
Mid-air the hot stew covered my wrist scalding it and leaving my skin immersed in oil.
I'm left sore and nursing what is left of the skin on my wrist.

Wake up calls are so bleeding necessary!

Ok, so you are seemingly fine, but deep down within you know that there is a whole lot of things bugging you.

So you plan.

It seems only wise to plan a way to get to where you WANT to be.

"Mais la vie est une salope"
(But life's a bitch)
My french is getting good, dont excuse it.

And so,
despite all the planning and toiling,
nothing ever really happens!

Do you give up?

For some time yes....
Then reality kicks in, you realise bills wont pay themselves
good credit is hard to hold onto
and in this ever present poor economy
you will clutch onto every penny you have or can earn

Yes life is for living,
but how daring can you afford to be?

Besides... electric and gas are the only things that prevent pneumonia
in this type of weather.
That is unless your next door neighbour isn't planning on
being the subject of an arson attack,
in which case for some hours you will be rather toasty
but that plan isn't fool proof is it?

Rhetorical these questions are not.