Saturday, 26 February 2011

Pear shaped

As a female it is the duty of my hormones to do as they like with my body.
But with added intervention of more hormones, the edible sort,
I tend to lose it.
Apart from being ridiculuously unwell right now, in my opinion I should be hospitalised till I'm better,
I have had the honour of being an emotional wreck.
It has however worked out for the best and in my favour,
This is because I worked everyday for the past 3 days doing long day-night shifts.
This meant that by the time I got home I was knackered and had the strength to do nothing but sleep.
But in those 3 days because of my sickness I woke up at 6am with nothing to do and in pain.

I am so lucky that I held on to some super strong pain killers,
Because this morning instead of trying to rock myself back to sleep,
I threw those bad boys down my throat.
Now it took a long time for them to kick in because I hadn't eaten.
But I felt the deterioration, it was a long process.
First I started feeling woozy, then my arms felt heavy, then my back relaxed, then my eyes shut, shortly after
The pain I had been feeling was no longer present, tis a pity it didn't go first.

The moral of all this,
There is a way out of everything!

Feeling moody, go to sleep.

Made a mistake, rectify it.

In pain, get some meds.

In serious pain, see a dr.

Oh n btw who else hates antibiotics, my gosh they take long to work.

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