Sunday, 25 December 2011

Back So Soon

This time of year again, so soon.
Only last year this time I was in bed (like I am now),
Resting my ikkle brain and being thankful for all I have.

I was really not in the right frame of mind last year for Christmas tbh,
But I braved it.

This year however I am a wealthy student -_- who received her grant
the day after her bday (1st dec) and kindly bought presents for immediate family, nieces, cousin and mum and dad.

After that I do not play part
I didn't even buy "him" a present
Ahh well, that is what boxing day sales are for


Today is a day every little child treasures and every career person relishes... today and the holiday days that follow on from today.

Its a day you get to look back at the past year, gather thoughts, ponder, plan and un plan.

I came to the conclusion that I made some very 'wise' mistakes.
They have helped shape my future and better my understanding of myself, the world and life.

I don't have regrets,
I am however from time to time, ridiculously bitter at things, the way they happened and how I happened to let them slide.

Its a new year in just under a week...
I am not saying I'm going to become a reformed woman, but my perception of things is slightly different.

Things happen for the greater good in many cases, and I'm so happy that things are panning out better than I could have expected.

Thank you for freeing me, for letting me experience a whole new side of life, for opening my eyes unto what opportunities lie before me that I had previously because of ignorance deemed IMPOSSIBLE.

I'm living a dream,

I'm living MY dream and I am loving it.

I never in a million years thought that 2011 would be the year, but guess what it was.

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