Tuesday, 17 August 2010

The Route Of Evil

Seven Deadly what...?

(extravagance) (gluttony) (greed) (discouragement) (wrath) (envy) (pride)

Oh piss off, really and truthfully everything comes down to jealousy and greed.
I'm saying it, that greedy sod BUSH invaded land, created a war, increased terrorist risk and invasion and LOST lives because of STUPID choices... which in the long run he thought he would GAIN from.

Sorry but the world is bad enough as it is, without adding extra fear to our lives.
Honestly, what are our troops still doing out there, bring them back home.
Everyday we hear of one land mine, or bomb explosion or attack on a camp killing several members of the army. Personally I think enough is enough!

Money, Money, Money...

The supposed route of all evil, to some extent this is very true.
Because of money people are stabbed, tortured, verbally abused and it generally causes overall mayhem.

You even get those evil sods that marry rich old geeza's in hope that they will keel over anytime after their "marriage".

But then some say money makes the world go round, if so does that mean without onslaught nothing good will come of the world.

**Again about to go off on a sociological rant**

Okay so if that is truly the case then without money, how would we fulfil our consumer rights, what would happen to the economy, would the world be communist or an egalitarian state. How would we develop medication or even conduct research minus sources such as the internet..

If technology existed how would it be shared proportionately, I mean come on, if we all had access to the internet and television wouldnt our electricity supply run out at some point in time. What would Africa be like, would corruption still exist.

Oh and how about heads of states and rulers, would they still exist?
Would the EU still exist or would people or 1 world ruler brainwash us all into thinkin that it was pangea all over again.

I wonder.

All that aside, money has a lot of power and a hold over many societies. Africa held to its debt for generations past and present held a lot of wealth BUT some GREEDY so and so's were JEALOUS and ANGRY, so they STOLE the wealth of the once rich continent and now LOOK at the poverty in which many are living in today.

Even in More Economically developed countries there are areas that are equally as deprived.
Take for example the UK.

Here we have high unemployment levels, high birth rates and low death rates. We also have an influx of migrant workers who are prepared to do the jobs others dont want to do all in the name of MONEY. Because of the over-population increases in taxes due to the pressures put on national services are being incurred. Leaving us with less money and more reasons to think up quick cash building schemes.

Why suffer yourself to get money you wont even get to spend how you like?
Why, I ask myself that all the time.

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