Sunday, 15 August 2010

Time and Place

... i already have a blog, i dedicated it to fashion although, i rarely ever get time to update or load pictures. And though a wordy fashion blog is not a criminal offence it might as well be if it lacks any photographic evidence.
Not everybody knows where to go to find photo's of or from fashion shows, lookbooks and the rest.
So the helping hand that is image uploader has really outdone itself.
But the time has come that i draw upon the other use of blogspot, freedom of speech and what seems like a limitless box i can write my thoughts and pour out my emotions onto.
I kinda got into this because of Chelsea Talks Smack, but more so because there is many a time i want to release every unanswered question onto one medium, be it human being or electronic equipment.

The internet is probably the best and worst forum for this, because of course there are other voyeuristic people who like looking in at peoples life as the sheer thought of anyones life being worse than theirs brings joy to their miserable lifes encouraging them to enjoy their daily pursuits.

Others enjoy their time online so much because that is where they spend most of their time.. narcissists, hardcore WWW. freaks. They live out their lives online, and the worst part of it all is that because we do not always get the chance to meet these people they could be putting on the biggest fascade you ever saw in your sweet life.

The cyber bullies, narcissists, the online celebrities, narcissists.. i could go on, all these people that build a life for themselves online and in real life they are these sad weedy people who you would assume wouldn't hurt a fly, or have a tongue sharper than a razor blade.
But hey, thats the world for you aint it... Full of fakes.

Place, coming back to why I created this blog, to let things off my chest.

If the people around me wont listen, SOMEONE ELSE WILL...

Dont you just love blogs..!

Well hey, at least this is a blog where iNeed not worry about posting pics, although a few from time to time wont hurt, and they will prob also speak louder than the gazziiiillliioonnn words i write, sometimes its all too long.

G'Nite and Welcome to my world again if you already follow my sorry ass Fashion Blog x x

Dee Love

1 comment:

  1. aw, my dear- thank you so much for the shout out :) keep blogging, there's always people out there listening and reading :) xo.
