Tuesday, 17 May 2011

In a few years

In a few years time I will look back and shake my head at my attitude towards education
But for now I will continue to shun it.

In a few year time I will look back at my past relationships
I will laugh, curse and cry and sing jolly mercies that I learnt all I needed to from them

In a few years time I will have my own child,
I will skip for joy when he/her first opens their eyes to look at me, I will well up will tears on their first smile, their first few steps will be those that empower me to keep going even though life is bloody hard and their first words will be the first of many we will share, even if we don't have the best relationship although I don't see how that could happen I'm too 'school for cool'

In a few years time I will be the happiest I have ever been and from then on out I will always be.

Till then ...


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