It's a wonder how even after your family instil social norms and values into you, you can turn around and choose to live by the standards of wider society.
Ok for example, let's say you grow up in a deeply religious Christian home.
And all your life you have been told that fornication is a sin, meaning if you take part in sex before marriage or adultery you will go to hell.
But society promotes sex through the media.
Socially acceptable, yet deep down your morals say no I can't do this.
But a few nights on the phone, couple drinks in some people's case and that wall that had been built is knocked DOWN.
No longer exists, it resembles the Berlin wall, you literally skipped over it. Spat at it and went ahead and done what your subconscious said no to but your mind said yes to.
Do you get it?
Confusing analogy to some degree.
Okay another one for you a little more simple.
You been brought up under the assumption that smoking is bad for you.
You go to school and succumb to peer pressure, the ciggerette sits comfortably on the tip of your lip, you are accepted by your peers, you inevitably feel cool.
You use every excuse under the sun to justify what it is you are doing, yet you know how your family feel about smokers and you are now one. What happened to everything you were taught is right and wrong?
I guess socialisation is just to instil some form of widely accepted beliefs into you so you behave respectably if you are passive and do everything you are told or become a rebel if that is in your nature, rebellious behaviour doesn't suit all.
It's sad though because in some cases we are brainwashed into believing many things that we my not agree with, but do not dispute it because we would rather not have controversy surrounding the issue.
Personally I would prefer to face everything head on, if I want to do something I will, if someone has something to say about it, I will listen.
If I don't like it I will say, and if you still don't like it well either deal with it or fuck off.
Can't actually please everyone.
Do not however go out there and exhibit rebellious tendencies that will in the end result in an asbo that will restrict your movement, not cool.
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