Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I'm back

hey flip the switch
turn the lights on
open your eyes to a whole new you
the person you want to be stands before you...
okay maybe not right in front of you, but close enough
really and truthfully if you want to change your outlook on things you have to be in action or at least ready for it at all times
you have to no1# get rid of some pride, grab some shame, be humble and put in the work.

My work rate has been abysmal, in like the bad sense.
I have been doing nada, and today I realised my potential.
I saw my grade for my art work and woo I am so chuffed.
Defo gonna work harder at it till I am satisfied.

Today I went out with the lads... n felt like my normal (Im a girly girl with a mans outlook on life) self.

I wont lie I missed it.
I been so caught up in the womans sad and oppressed by emotions life for too long.

Yes I am human, but after watching X-men, I have a boost of energy that cannot be reckoned with honestly.

Dont mess with me... I will be brutal.

No but really, I am crazy happy today.
And ain't no one going to bring me down.
Miss Motivator is Back.

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