Tuesday 12 June 2012




Sunday 25 December 2011

You Deserve It

LOL, the title can be seen as a jeer/mockery or a pat on the back.

Many a time you work oh so hard for something that you do not in the end ever even receive or achieve.
There are so many people that toil and regardless of effort the goal is just out of bounds.

So how do you measure what entitles you to deserving that thing you covet.

In my opinion - YOU DON'T.

You deserve the world and beyond!
How dare you let the world and society characterise your life and put limits and bounds on what you can do.
There is nothing worse than being limited.

I hate giving up, so sometimes, I find myself in the same pathetic situation time and time again because I think that somehow, this time, if I just don't give up, something will give, there will be change.

Let me help you kick start your epiphany if this is how you think...
NO NO NO, stop lying to yourself!

I will not sit on the other end of your screen and assist you in deceiving yourself that what you put in is what you will get out.

I will however inform you that indeed you can achieve that goal of yours no matter how unrealistic it may seem.

I'll let you in on a secret...
I was one of those people with as Mr Luther put it 'A DREAM'.
It consisted of one thing and one thing only, to fall in love with someone who loved me equally and if not more.

There were occasions I thought I had achieved this dream and then, somehow it would turn into a nightmare.
Of course like any normal person I would flee.

Now, I am not going to jinx it.
But, the dream is now a reality... its still got elements of nightmare but.. blah.

The dream also went above and beyond my expectations and woah... I am not sure I want to tell the world my biggest secret yet.

Just know I am possibly the most content person in the world atm.

As a Christian lemme just say this - Gods time is the best time.

Back So Soon

This time of year again, so soon.
Only last year this time I was in bed (like I am now),
Resting my ikkle brain and being thankful for all I have.

I was really not in the right frame of mind last year for Christmas tbh,
But I braved it.

This year however I am a wealthy student -_- who received her grant
the day after her bday (1st dec) and kindly bought presents for immediate family, nieces, cousin and mum and dad.

After that I do not play part
I didn't even buy "him" a present
Ahh well, that is what boxing day sales are for


Today is a day every little child treasures and every career person relishes... today and the holiday days that follow on from today.

Its a day you get to look back at the past year, gather thoughts, ponder, plan and un plan.

I came to the conclusion that I made some very 'wise' mistakes.
They have helped shape my future and better my understanding of myself, the world and life.

I don't have regrets,
I am however from time to time, ridiculously bitter at things, the way they happened and how I happened to let them slide.

Its a new year in just under a week...
I am not saying I'm going to become a reformed woman, but my perception of things is slightly different.

Things happen for the greater good in many cases, and I'm so happy that things are panning out better than I could have expected.

Thank you for freeing me, for letting me experience a whole new side of life, for opening my eyes unto what opportunities lie before me that I had previously because of ignorance deemed IMPOSSIBLE.

I'm living a dream,

I'm living MY dream and I am loving it.

I never in a million years thought that 2011 would be the year, but guess what it was.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Side Piece

Do you know what it feels like to be a side piece?
A side dish!

You know like chicken wings, coleslaw, beans, gravy, its not the bulk of your meal.

Imagine being that to someone.

They have a GF/BF, but they come to you in his/her absence or even just for fun.
You are their lust and nothing more.

Unless you decide that you do not mind this position (I know some people),
it is rather heart breaking to find out that this is where you lie.

How you react to this determines a lot:

  1. It determines whether you deserve to be 1

If  you carry on as though there is nothing wrong, whilst home wrecking in my opinion you are not worth much and shouldn't be ranked as anything but the thing on the side. 

     2.   It determines what the person means to you

     3.   It determines how much self-worth you have

How your supposed partner reacts determines:

  1. Whether he/she truly loves/likes you
  2. If he/she has any respect for you whatsoever
  3. Whether you should even give him/her a chance

Don't sit around and be made a fool of do your research, many people give little reason for you to trust them, so watch your back and trust no man/woman.

Monday 21 November 2011


You have it all there...
It seems, to be laid out in front of you.
There are stepping stones, or a route you might want to call it. 
But where you go from here because of the multiple options is unclear. 

What to do next?

I spend the majority of my time daydreaming, 
I wish I had get rich quick schemes, 
the amount of time I spend thinking I should have been onto something by now.
It makes me question, what I am doing with my POTENTIAL?

I have the ability to succeed but don't ever grasp what is within arms reach 
talk less of aiming higher and trying to achieve the supposed impossible.

I want something, I bite my lip because of pride.
Instead of asking for I work for...
how about for once something works for me?

Time for me to unlock my potential.
Firstly by having a broader outlook on everything.
Too many a time I worry about consequence rather than end POSSIBLE result.

So here I like what ever that chubby lad on young apprentice's name is...
will start with the CONCEPT.

Mine is not fame, nor is it fortune (in terms of wealth).


I have been training myself to think, happy thoughts.

This YOLO (you only live once) term has been something that before the acronym had been on my mind.
Last year the death of a close friend shook me.

If I had anything to remember him by, the words 'be strong' 
would come into play.

He was there for me during a harsh break up and always kept me smiling no matter the circumstance.

And I think from then on out I decided nothing would get me down.

But then...
Life had its way with me shortly after his death and another person close to my heart died yet again.

Okay I don't know about you, but if more than one person starts to slide away from you, 
you would start to think that it may possibly be you next. 

Which is why I believe it is my prerogative to go above and beyond the norm 
and to satisfy my need to be HAPPY. 
I want a large proportion of my life to be classified as the good old days.
I don't want to think about when times were bad, hard etc. 

I personally think that a happy soul wins souls and hearts.
And if that is the case all the keys to SUCCESS should be achievable once I am content in any situation.

Glad to be living, for my family, friends, acquaintances you name it. 

Positivity breeds good outcomes, 
so opportunities should be rife. 

Unlock your potential by being the best that you can be.

Its hard to be cheery 24/7 and lord knows I cant do it 365, hormones have their wicked way with me regularly. 
But during the time they don't, 
I seize the day. 
And take control of my life.

Your potential, lies in your hands.
Don't let bad habits get in the way of your success.

Friday 5 August 2011

I Miss You

This girl needs to hold it down, she is just messing with my membrane.

Read this review on the song by the taste level, it is exactly how I feel about her album and this song.

Click here

Monday 25 July 2011

Everyday I'm hustling

I can actually attest to this...

Since I was about 13/14 years old I have been styling people's hair.
As a result people reward me with a lil moola you know for hooking them up.
It isn't however anything to sing home about...
Which means that as soon as I got my NI no# (social security code) I went out in search of a job.

Recently my mate told me to read a book he had recently finished reading.
My mum had it in her library and I usually find it easy to delve into a good read, but this however has me profoundly lost.

I can't seem to get into it.
Personally I think it's because she wrote all over it like a diary and when I read her notes they throw me off track.

Anyways the book is called 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad'

It's described as what the rich teach their children that the poor don't.

It's all about the rat race that we all conform to and become part of for the duration of our lives..
And despite the fact I haven't got into it I am already questioning what my future holds and whether I will too conform or break the norm.

Sad thing is I have already kinda conformed..

Society today is structured so that you prepare yourself from secondary education.

1st - you decide whether or not school and the traditional route to success is for you

2nd - you either go into work after compulsory school leaving age or into college or sixth form, you even have the choice to become an apprentice

3rd - you either drop out, complete the course, become redundant, stay stagnant, Get a promotion or go onto further education

BY NOW, life should have thrown you some stones, rocks in fact that you had to dodge like Tomb raider or move out of your way like a heavy weight champion.
At this point if your family don't have your back, you don't have backbone or a support unit you are more than likely to take the so called stupid choice and bail out of it all... The nanny state (welfare system) has your back.

They will house you, pay your rent, give you money to feed, if you do your part an populate the world they make the benefits look even better for you, you know kinda like a crazy package - those all inclusive holidays at nuts prices type deals.

Now if you have a persuasive family who have a long list of professions they need to tick Off and degrees they would like to brag to friends about , it's likely you will take heed to all the advice that has been shoved down your throat.

After The gratification you receive on graduation day, in kicks the realisation that you are more than likely to join what they call the rat race...

Waking up at the crack of Dawn, commuting into town or out daily for months on end to near enough pay for your bills, indulge in one or two luxuries a month and maybe even paying for extra-curricular activities for the kids what left do you have. Oh did I mention the debt in which you are in at this point.
And the monthly repayments which the loan company take out of your pay check.

kmt... Just thinking about it angers me.

Not everyone is business minded, an after a chat with another friend I recently realised that not everyone is made to be a leader or a business owner.

So what stance do I take on this? Do I continue my average hustle an work for an hourly wage and maybe in a few years a salary with a benefits package that I can COPE with or do I reject mediocrity and start a business that could be my road to success or my downfall... Who knows?